Software versions
Have you signed a software update agreement?
This allows you to update your Machine and Office Software to the next level.
- Includes free Machine software updates
- Includes free Office software updates
- Machine software and Office software versions must match
- For updates of additionally purchased Office licenses, the update packages for subsequent licenses are required
- Online connection to the PC must be available
What do I need to do?
Please contact RAS. After checking the data, we will contact you. We need the following information:
- Adress
- Contact person with Email and Phone
- Machine number
- Greek language implemented
- Bugfix: Material tables
- Change of default value of the parameter “Fb_RedSpeed”
- Bugfix: Web server with “getmachinedata” fixed
- Bugfix: Web server query total number of pieces for kit production implemented
- Web server, feedback of the “getjobliststatus” command implemented
- Web server, feedback of the “getmachinestatus” command implemented
- Bugfix: Job list selection in connection with web server “start selected job”
- Web server: new command “getjoblistlog” implemented
- Bugfix: Wrong machine displayed with online connection to the machine
- Screen design standardized
- Processes for bending radii improved
- Machine data can be retrieved via web server (Industry 4.0)
- Improved input of bend radii for new parts
- Settings in the user levels adjusted
- Incorrect behavior of the scroll bar fixed
- Configuration for the right hand side Cut Module extended
- French language integrated
- CutModule integrated as a selectable option
- MDM - Machine Data Monitoring integrated
- Upper beam clamping dimension can be manually set: Clamping on sensitive materials
- The upper beam clamping dimension will be automatically limited depending on the bend angle
- Strategy ranking on hems: In reality the results on negative hems are better, if they will be closed below the upper beam than using the "teardrop" function. This is taken into account in the ranking.
- In the software installation routine the 2D simulation will be selected. You can change to a 3D view.
- Folding sequences optimized in machine software for wide blanks (eg corrugated parts): Folding speed is automatically reduced as soon as the sheet comes out of the machine by more than an adjustable parameter.
- Hemming option "Press 2x": Better results as the hem will be first closed below the upper beam and a second time as a teardrop hem.
- English language extended
- Hemming both sides of a blank on parts wider than 750mm
- Additional column "Additional manual steps" in the folding stragtegies menu
- Service menue more clearly designed
- Languages: Netherlands, French, Swedish
- If the loading and storing takes unusually long, an hour glass is displayed (eg network problems)
- Optional QR-Code Scanner:
- - without Bendex3D Shop: Program seach on machine control
- - without Bendex3D Shop: Program seach on sServer
- All messages in one status window: RED = fault, YELLOW = warning, BLUE = note
- Actual footswitch function shown in step mode
- HTTP inferface for communication office to machine: automatic parameter transfer from machine
- Backup function of programs stored on machine control (max. 30)
- Loading material tables from machine with confirmation dialog
- Aufgabenlisten mit Profilvergleich
- Step bending extended: Step angle adjustable for each radius
- Languages: Italian and Croatian
- Grab over a profile: Function of big grippers extended
- Manuelles Wenden, wenn Blechzuschnitte die das max. Einlegemaß überschreiten
- Bei reduzierten Biegewangengeschwindigkeit wird der Rückweg dennoch mit 100% gefahren
- Touchbereich speziell bei den Schiebereglern verbessert
- Finnish language
- The profile editor shows the individual steps of a radius
- Free move on bends > 85 degrees to prevent collision between upper beam and part